Jimmy Jim Jim

Jimmy Jim Jim

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Live life.

Life is for having fun. Don't be stupid and waste it on

someone who is gonna act like they hate you tomorrow.Never waste it
on some one who doesn't want their friends to know they're in love
with you. Don't give that person the rest of you tears or a month or a
year of your life when they treats you badly and doesn't mind making
you cry. Every person deserves some one who wants to
brag about

them. Babe, dont fool yourself.you deserve so much better than that

My problem .

It'sYOU. You meanev erything to me... you are the first thought in

my head in the morning when I wake up; my last thought before I go tobed. You smile at me in my dreams... when you are sad, I feel sad, andwhen I see your true smile, I feel incredible, like there is no otherthing around and all I can see is you.

It'sYOU. You meanev erything to me... you are the first thought in

my head in the morning when I wake up; my last thought before I go tobed. You smile at me in my dreams... when you are sad, I feel sad, andwhen I see your true smile, I feel incredible, like there is no otherthing around and all I can see is you.

It'sYOU. You meanev erything to me... you are the first thought in

my head in the morning when I wake up; my last thought before I go tobed. You smile at me in my dreams... when you are sad, I feel sad, andwhen I see your true smile, I feel incredible, like there is no otherthing around and all I can see is you.

I will tell you what my problem is,i love you. I love your name, I love the way you look at me, I love yourgorgeous smile, I love the way you walk, I love your beautiful eyes, Ilove the sound of your laugh, i love the way you get mad,i love theway i dont understand you at all.I love the way I can be having theworst day of my life and seeing you completely changes my mood. Ilove how when you touch me I get weak,thats my problem..

You're not God to tell me what to do

I’m a liar because I wont tell you everything
I’m stupid because sometimes im wrong
I’m ugly because my face isn’t perfect
I’m a pushover because I like making people happy
I’m a loser because I’m a not friend with your group
I’m fake because I’m too nice
I’m weird because I’m not like you
I’m fat because I eat when I’m hungry.
I’m clingy because I don’t like to be alone
I’m insecure because I care about what people think of me.
I’m no fun because I'm not always hyper?
Don’t try to tell me who I am